Many people make the mistake of trying to use an air conditioning pad on their own. While this is usually fine for the most part, over time, sinking can cause electrical lines and cooling fluid to seep through and get stuck in the air conditioner’s hoses.
Air Conditioning Repair
Also, sunk air conditioning units are at higher risk for water damage. To prevent serious water damage and damaging electrical hoses, you should take action immediately. If your air conditioning unit sinks lower than 3 inches, call a local professional to have your air conditioner repaired.

There are several different types of air conditioning repair kits for sinks. Before you dive in and begin your repairs, read this guide to make sure you choose the right one for your particular situation air conditioning Bondi. Most repair kits are meant for both counter-balanced and free-standing units.
You should also choose a repair kit that is compatible with your particular model of the air conditioning unit, as the right one for your model may depend on the kind of water flooding your unit experiences. It is important to consult a professional air conditioning expert or dealer if you are not sure which air conditioning repair kit will work best for your situation.
Once your air conditioning unit has been fixed by a professional, you should remove the air conditioning pad. The pad is typically located next to the evaporator coil and around the expansion valve. You should carefully remove the rubber gasket that secures the pad and the coils.
This may require some manual dexterity and care, as these pieces are rather fragile. Once you have removed all the components from the air conditioning pad, place them into a zip lock bag and store them for later storage. Air conditioners that are not fixed properly can leak dangerous chemical gases into your home, so it is very important to keep them in good condition.
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