Massage therapists in Binghamton, NY earn $53,020-the fourth-highest pay of all metro areas. They may work as solo practitioners or assist in other craft professions. With an average education level of non-degree, Binghamton massage therapists earn $53,020-a slightly higher median salary than their counterparts in Anchorage, AK (which is paid $72,520).
Massage Therapists
If you are looking for massage therapists in Binghamton, NY, look no further than Robert E Rano. His full business address is 40 Front St, Binghamton, NY 13905-4712. For additional information, contact Robert E Rano at (607) 747-4847. You can also check out Healing Hands Massage Therapy’s website or call 685-8828 for more information.

This location is located at 40 Front St, Binghamton, NY 13905-4712. Find out more information about Robert E Rano at his website. You can also call Robert E Rano at 682-261-3361 or visit his office at C040 massage miami florida. In addition to his massage therapy services, Rano offers other health services, such as massage. His address is 138 Front St, Binghamton, NY, and you can find him at his physical location or online.
Robert E Rano is a well-known massage therapist in Binghamton, NY. He has offices that range in size from 0 to 2,499 square feet. You can also find out more about Rano and his office by reading his reviews and rating. You can also check out his office hours and check out the other staff members. This page is dedicated to Binghamton-based Massage Therapists.
Robert E Rano is a Binghamton Massage Therapist who graduated from the Finger Lakes School of Massage in 2015. He has experience working with a wide variety of clients and is knowledgeable about the benefits of massage therapy. He specializes in therapeutic massage and deep tissue massage and he will tailor each session to the individual needs of each client. Listed below are the various types of massage therapists in Binghamton, NY.
Robert E Rano is a Binghamton Massage Therapist who practices in Binghamton, NY. He can be contacted through his full business address at 40 Front St. In addition to Robert E. Rano, there are many other Massage Therapists in Binghamton, NY. Some of them are Robert E. Rano, a Binghamton-based Massage Therapists.
Susan is a certified bodyworker who practices holistic massage. She has been working in the health industry for 15 years. She is a strong advocate of natural healing. She uses her skills and expertise in several modalities to provide personalized, intuitive treatments. She also incorporates aromatherapy and thermotherapy into her sessions. For more information, call her at (203) 582-3905. When it comes to therapeutic massage, a therapist who has extensive training in various methods is the best choice.
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