A crime scene cleanup job’s salary is comparable to the average income of those who clean up toxic waste and other contaminated sites. However, the hours and pay are unpredictable.
Crime Scene Cleanup
A starting salary of $24,000 to $34,000 is typical. If you want to have your own business, you can earn more than six figures. This occupation also requires a good sense of hygiene. Therefore, crime scene cleaners must wear protective clothing and use specialized cleaning equipment.

Unlike other jobs, crime scene cleanup technicians do not need any formal training or education suicide cleanup. However, special training in biohazards is required. There are some specialist courses available, but most training is on-the-job.
The crime rate in your area will affect your potential earnings. Highly populated cities will always pay better than smaller, quieter towns. Although crime rates are decreasing across the U.S., there are still many urban areas with a high murder rate.
Working as a crime scene cleaner can be very rewarding. You can earn as much as $25 per hour, and you will have the satisfaction of restoring trauma-ridden scenes.
Besides, it is a rewarding career that will allow you to use a variety of tools and chemicals. You can also become a police investigator if you enjoy the challenge of investigating crimes and removing evidence. There are many opportunities in this field.
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