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KW PRO PLUMBING LTD is a private limited company based in Plymouth, Devon. The company was incorporated on 29 April 2019 and has been in business for two years. The company has a registered office address and has 1 director.

KW Pro Plumbing

The last time that a director was confirmed was on the 7th of June 2021. The contact details of KW PRO PLUMBING LTD are as follows: kingsway-pro-plymouth@gmail.com.

Pipes, Plumbing, Plumber, Tubes

Depending on the size of your home, you can choose a gas-powered or electric-powered boiler KW Pro Plumbing Plymouth. A gas-powered boiler must be installed near an exterior wall for the flue. The larger appliances must be floor-mounted. Different models have different energy efficiency ratings.

The higher the efficiency rating, the more money you will save. If you’re considering a new birmingham lpg, you should consider how much it will cost you monthly to operate it. In addition to the initial cost, you should consider the ongoing maintenance costs.