Google has started rolling out its March 2023 Core Algorithm Update. This core algorithm update caused significant ranking volatility and highlighted the importance of adhering to EEAT standards, focusing on content quality, and optimizing user experience.
These updates serve as a reminder that SEO practitioners and website owners must remain vigilant in order to keep up with Google’s constantly evolving search algorithms. By staying informed, monitoring metrics, and prioritizing technical aspects, they can minimize the impact of future core algorithm changes.
1. Quality over quantity
Googles core algorithm updates are significant and can affect your search rankings. These updates are meant to provide users with more relevant results, so it is important to ensure that your content is high quality.
In March 2023, Google announced algo updates that will promote or reward pages with quality and value, regardless of content type or region and language. The core update will focus on the overall quality of a webpage and how it is perceived by Google, as well as technical aspects such as site structure and optimization.
This core update is expected to have a greater impact on YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) content, which is typically defined as content that can significantly impact the health, safety and financial well-being of a user. It is also expected to have a greater impact on sites that violate Googles guidelines. This is why it is critical to adhere to Googles guidelines and focus on creating valuable and meaningful content that meets the needs of your audience.
2. Mobile-friendliness
The March 2023 core algorithm update also placed a bigger emphasis on mobile-friendliness. This means that websites that are not optimized for mobile devices will likely see a drop in search rankings. Additionally, the update placed more importance on content quality. This means that sites that create high-quality, informative, and engaging content will rank higher than those that do not.
The core updates are a reminder to SEOs and website owners that they must consistently focus on creating valuable content for their audience. They should also monitor metrics and pay attention to technical aspects of their sites.
The March 2023 core algorithm update was a major one, and caused ranking volatility for many verticals in Google’s search results. According to Schwartz, the volatility was more severe than the September 2022 core algorithm update. It reached a peak of 8 on the Semrush Sensor data volatility scale. In addition, the update emphasized the importance of mobile-friendliness and prioritized content that is relevant to user intent.
3. Indexing
Google’s core algorithm changes can significantly impact your search engine ranking, so it is crucial that you stay on top of these updates. By monitoring metrics, focusing on quality content, and optimizing technical aspects, you can ensure that your website is ranking as highly as possible.
It can be difficult to pinpoint how a core update will impact your page, as it can take days or weeks for Google’s crawlers to index and reassess pages. However, if you notice significant downfalls in organic search traffic and keyword positioning, it is likely that you’ve been affected by a core algorithm change.
The March 2023 core algorithm update is a reminder that it’s critical to prioritize your website’s user experience, which means creating high-quality, relevant, and helpful content. By doing so, you’ll be providing a better search experience for your target audience and will be rewarded by Google with higher rankings. It is also important to pay attention to the finer details of your site, including its load speed and mobile-friendliness.
4. User experience
Google’s algorithms are updated every day, but sometimes it makes bigger changes that can affect many websites. These are called core updates and are aimed at keeping SERPs up to date and relevant to user searches.
The March 2023 broad core algorithm update was one of these and reportedly caused significant ranking volatility for a lot of sites. Schwartz looked at data from two analytics providers – Semrush and RankRanger – and found that the new core update peaked at 8 on Semrush Sensor’s volatility scale, making it a big one.
As a digital marketer, you should always be aware of the latest Google algorithms and rollouts. By staying informed, monitoring metrics and focusing on quality content, you can avoid getting hit by future core updates and keep your search engine rankings healthy.
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